"Un glob care sa le stapaneasca pe toate." Ce a facut de fapt Donald Trump cand a apasat pe un glob luminos in Arabia Saudita
Donald Trump si Regele Salman al Arabiei Saudite au inaugurat duminica un centru dedicat luptei contra extremismului, cu sediul la Riad si care cauta sa combata ideologia radicala.
Fotografiile cu Trump apasand pe un glob luminos s-au viralizat si au devenit subiect de glume pe retelele de socializare.
Centrul, denumit "Moderatie", va monitoriza informatiile schimbate pe internet, in special prin intermediul retelelor sociale, si va incerca sa promoveze un discurs moderat. Centrul inaugurat la Riad este primul de acest tip din intreaga lume, potrivit presei locale.
Trump si gazda sa, inconjurati de alti lideri, precum presedintele egiptean, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, au vizitat modernul centru, in care zeci de experti monitorizeaza comunicatiile digitale.
Centrul a fost oficial deschis cand Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Regele Salman si Trump au atins un glob luminos. Imaginile s-au viralizat imediat.
Cateva dintre glumele distribuite de mii de americani pe Twitter:
"100% Trump si-a pus o dorinta cand a atins globul"
"Cativa miliardari stransi pe intuneric si tinand in mana un glob luminos"
"Daca Trump vrea sa doboare pe Illuminati, evident trebuie sa o faca din interior"
"Un glob care sa le stapneasca pe toate si in intuneric sa le supuna" (n.r aluzie la "Stapanul Inelelor")
trump 100% made a wish when he touched the orb pic.twitter.com/S0TlxgxtBY
— KRANG T. NELSON (@KrangTNelson) May 21, 2017
Where have I seen that #TrumpInSaudi #Orb before? Oh yeah... pic.twitter.com/UegLaV0Ofu
— Josh (@awesomeplant) May 22, 2017
Just some billionaires, gathered in the dark, holding a glowing orb.#trump #orb pic.twitter.com/Os5sgwmnPE
— Kelly (@_itsmekt) May 22, 2017
Look if Trump is going to take down the Illuminati he's obviously going to have to do it from the inside pic.twitter.com/58Rnd2I20P
— The Cosmic Brain (@samthielman) May 21, 2017
tfw you and your friends unearth an ancient alien hell orb and combine your powers inside it to stop superman >>>>> pic.twitter.com/kzsYEKC4R0
— jon hendren (@fart) May 21, 2017
A lot of people say the Orb is evil. Stupid! I will negotiate with the Orb, make it work for us. Good deal for everyone!!! Hail the Orb. pic.twitter.com/vmN12iTulB
— Matt Roller (@rolldiggity) May 21, 2017
One #orb to find them.
One orb to rule them all and in the darkness bind them. pic.twitter.com/tsFYX3pzm1
— NopeSec (@NeuralCulture) May 21, 2017
I am gone from Twitter for like a few hours, and now Trump is a holding a Palantír! WHAT ELSE HAVE I MISSED?! IS BANNON A WRAITH NOW?! #ORB pic.twitter.com/uZ4xthYIvm
— chrisError (@chrisError) May 21, 2017
Everyone freaking out, it's a GLOBE
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) May 21, 2017
You can see the continents
Just a conclave of powerful men laying hands on a fiery globe
This is normal pic.twitter.com/FEo4auHVfm