Focuri de arma in Washington. Un barbat a impuscat un politist si s-a baricadat in casa luand ostatici
Atac violent in statul Washington. Un individ inarmat a deschis focul asupra fortelor de politie dupa care s-a baricadat in locuinta sa, relateaza ABC News.
Atacul s-a declansat dupa ce politia a fost alertat in legatura cu un incident domestic intr-o casa din Mount Vernon. Dupa ce s-au deplasat la fata locului, din casa un individ a inceput sa traga asupra politiei, impuscand in cap un agent. In acest momente este in derulare o confruntare intre trupele SWAT si barbatul baricadat in casa. Presa americana scrie ca acesta tine persoane ostatice inauntru.
#UPDATE - Tear gas has been deployed, a loud speaker and yelling can be heard a half mile away. @KING5Seattle
— Dustin Gagne (@DustinGagneK5) December 16, 2016
#UPDATE - Armored SWAT unit now relocating near the scene. Dozens of gunshots heard, air unit flying close above. @KING5Seattle
— Dustin Gagne (@DustinGagneK5) December 16, 2016
#BREAKING - Mount Vernon - At least 3 dozen gunshots are now being fired near East Fir St & North Laventure Rd. @KING5Seattle
— Dustin Gagne (@DustinGagneK5) December 16, 2016