Ultimul act de eroism al unui parasutist american. Prieteni, medici si necunoscuti i-au adus un ultim omagiu
Un sergent american dintr-o unitate de parasutisti a sarit in ajutorul camarazilor sai si dupa moarte.
Sergentul Matthew James Whalen, un veteran american din celebra Divizie 101 Aeropurtata, a suferit un atac cerebral la scurt timp dupa ce a fost lasat la vatra, la numai 35 de ani. Sotia sa, Hannah, si ea o fosta membra a aceleiasi unitati de elita a armatei americane, a luat atunci o decizie dificila: sa doneze toate organele sotului unor alti militari aflati in spital, care aveau nevoie urgenta de transplanturi.
We say farewell to Staff Sergeant Matthew James Whalen. In his final act on this Earth, it's only fitting that he gave his life and in return saved two others. And it's almost as if it were meant to be that the two donor recipients happened to be veterans. There is no SOP or protocol for this type of ceremony, but with the help of Matt's wife Hannah, all of his family, the nursing staff, and an Honor Guard we were able to show our love and appreciation in the best way we could. All of you out there scattered throughout our country this close to Christmas can rest assured tonight. Your prayers and kind words these last couple days have carried the Whalen family and the support was truly felt.Hannah wanted this to be posted to Facebook for everyone to see and be part of.Thank you all once again. Funeral arrangements will be pushed out by Hannah at a more appropriate time.
Posted by U.S Army W.T.F! moments on Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Ultimul act de eroism al parasutistului a fost elogiat atat de fostii tovarasi de arme, cat si de medicii spitalului unde s-a stins. La capataiul sau a avut loc o adevarata ceremonie, care a continuat pe culoarele unde a fost dusa targa cu trupul neinsufletit, pentru a i se preleva organele, zeci de oameni aducandu-i un ultim omagiu si acoperindu-i pieptul cu un steag american.
Sursa: Pro TV
Etichete: militari, veteran, parasutisti, donare organe, atac cerebral,
Dată publicare:
25-12-2015 17:16