Un sofer a fost prins pe o autostrada in timp ce se uita la "Stapanul inelelor", la 96 de km/h. Reactia politistilor
Un sofer a fost prins de politie, in trafic, uitandu-se la filmul "Lord of the Rings" in timp ce conducea cu 96 de km/h, pe o autostrada din Marea Britanie.
El a fost oprit de politisti, joi dimineata, in timp ce se uita la film si conducea o camioneta Ford Transit, pe bordul careia avea un DVD player portabil, relateaza The Telegraph. Soferul ar putea aparea in instanta, fiind acuzat ca a condus imprudent.
Politia din Surrey s-a amuzat de incident si a povestit fanilor de pe Twitter despre intamplarea din trafic.
"Tocmai am oprit un fan #Lord of the rings. Sa te uiti la DVD in timp ce conduci nu e bine", au transmis oamenii legii.
We just stopped a #Lord of the rings fan. Watching it on DVD whilst driving is not good. #points #fines #gandalf. pic.twitter.com/iCfbKnQE82
— Surrey Roads Police (@SurreyRoadCops) April 9, 2015
Inevitabil, utilizatorii au replicat prin diverse mesaje cu trimitere la trilogia fantastica.
@SurreyRoadCops Where did you stop them? Don't say Mordor ;)
— Dave Comeau (@DavidAJComeau) April 9, 2015
@SurreyRoadCops I really hope you told them 'you shall not pass' before smashing a nightstick into the ground in front of the car
— J Heaton-Armstrong (@SundaysInHell) April 9, 2015