Compania aeriana care introduce zonele unde copiii vor avea accesul interzis. Reactiile impartite ale calatorilor

O companie aeriana din India a anuntat ca va introduce pe zborurile sale zone in care copiii nu vor avea acces, decizie care a starnit numeroase controverse.
Compania low-cost IndiGo a anuntat ca va realiza "Zonele linistite" pentru pasagerii business, unde copiii sunt 12 ani nu vor avea voie sa stea, scrie Huffington Post. Decizia a provocat reactii diverse din partea calatorilor, unii afirmand ca ar plati cu bucurie mai mult pe bilet, in timp ce altii considera ca este "prosteasca".
"Acesta zone au fost create pentru pasaferii business, care prefera sa-si faca munca in liniste", a transmis compania.
De asemenea, IndiGo a specificat ca cei mici nu au voie sa sta in randurile unde sunt iesirile de urgenta, dar si acolo unde este mai mult spatiu pentru picioare.
@alaisdair #Childfreeflights is a very interesting idea! I have been tortured by screaming children on longflights. I paid a lot for my seat
— Patricia Tallman (@patriciatallman) October 6, 2016
Totally agree with #childfreeflights I would gladly pay extra for a seperate section on the plane
— Alaisdair (@alaisdair) October 4, 2016
Offering #childFreeFlights is a great idea. Trust me, No one thinks your kid is as awesome and special as you do. #parenting #kids
— MGTOWHumanist (@HmnstMgtow) August 14, 2015
#childfreeflights I always end up with child near me crying. Maybe place them @ back of plane. Headphones dont stop the kicking chair
— Kevin Gibbs-Wragge (@live_in_hope) August 17, 2016
Please GOD let this become a thing.PLEASE.I cannot handle another kid giving me jetlag because I can't sleep on the plane #childfreeflights
— bc86 (@bcroft86) October 4, 2016
#childfreeflights ? Sure but I hope the cost is your soul. Mama of 4 over here and love to take my babies on vacation! #getoveryourselves
— Linda Rae Mercieca (@Linela22) August 16, 2015
if you can afford a flight you can afford a pair of earphones. people need to stop being arseholes :) #ChildFreeFlights #ThisMorning
— Connie (@ConnieHose) August 17, 2016
Most children behave better than adults #childfreeflights is a dumb idea
— Miss Rose Blue (@missroseblue) August 15, 2015