Criza din Grecia, in meme-uri. Cele mai amuzante glume cu liderii europeni si problemele financiare din UE
Grecia - o tara cu o datorie de 323 de miliarde de dolari, cu economie in scadere si banci care si-au inchis usile si bancomatele. Poti sa plangi, sau poti sa razi, iar multi internauti, probabil din alte tari, au optat pentru a doua varianta.
In timp de liderii tarii si cei europeni incearca sa ajunga la un consens, astfel incat Uniunea Europeana sa nu fie destabilizata, retelele de socializare s-au umplut de meme-uri amuzante, ironice la adresa situatiei in care se afla poporul elen. Cateva dintre ele au fost publicate de CNN, The Telegraph sau el Mundo.
Ironiile sunt indreptate bineinteles spre premierul Alexis Tsipras, dar si Angela Merkel sau Christine Lagarde, sefa FMI.
Greece PM meme has started let's see to what extent it goes... #GreeceCrisis
— Piyush Pankaj (@piyushpankaj) June 26, 2015
ATMs in Greece are now offering other services as they run out of cash.
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) June 29, 2015
Greek ATM
— Supermario (@EuroStability) June 27, 2015
This cartoon cuts close too close to the bone... #Grexit
— Sony Kapoor (@SonyKapoor) June 29, 2015
It's from long ago, but still... Serious humor. #Greece #Europe
— Luis Torras (@TorrasLuis) June 29, 2015
CANNOT BE UNSEEN #Varoufakis #Lagarde #Varoufarde
— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) June 22, 2015
#Greece closes #banks after bailout talks break down. But cash machines want their Vendetta. [#Merkel #eu #meme]
— Andrea F. Cecchin (@AndreaFCecchin) June 29, 2015
i remember saving this meme two years ago cause i thought it was funny…. it still holds #notASfunnynow #greece
— ♡ L I L Y ♡ (@ellepee1) June 29, 2015