Cantarea "cat un pui de elefant", dar acum intoarce toate privirile. Cum arata tanara dupa ce a slabit 70 kg intr-un an. FOTO

femeie obeza - Shutterstock

O tanara care a ajuns sa cantareasca 133 de kilograme a pierdut jumatate din greutatea corpului ei dupa ce propriul tata i-a spus ca ii este rusine sa mearga pe strada alaturi de ea.

Maddy Ghorob, 29 de ani, a ajuns sa fie supraponderala din cauza obiceiurilor proaste alimentare pe care si le-a format din copilarie. Studenta la drept, ea a inceput sa aiba probleme de sanatate din cauza kilogramelor in plus si de cateva ori chiar nu a ajuns la scoala, pentru ca nu putea sa mearga, relateaza The Sun.

In ciuda problemelor de sanatate pe care le avea, Maddy nu a fost motivata sa slabeasca, dar in ziua in care tatal ei i-a spus ca ii este rusine sa mearga pe strada cu ea, s-a trezit la realitate.

Asta s-a intamplat acum un an si procesul de transformare a inceput cu o operatie de micsorare a stomacului. In 12 luni, Maddy a ajuns la 70 de kilograme.

"Cantaream cat un pui de elefant. Aia nu era viata. Uneori imi doream sa mor. Tatal meu m-a trezit la realitate", a spus ea.

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misty mitchell
A avut peste 130 de kilograme, dar acum a ajuns la 70. Ce viciu avea inainte sa slabeasca
Trucul prin care s-a câștigat marele premiu de peste 9 milioane de euro la 6 din 49. Biletul a costat 4.413 lei

Tanara si-a creat un cont de Instagram pe care a postat imagini cu transformarea ei. Pe aceasta retea de socializare, Maddy are 700.000 de fani.


Happy 1 year surgaversary to me bitchzzzz! ???????? Exactly 1 year ago on November 16, 2015 I had gastric sleeve weightloss surgery. THE BEST decision I have ever made in my life. It gave me the push I needed to start my journey. It completely changed my life ???????? Actually, I wouldn’t call what I had before a “life”. Why? The main reason being the physical restraints. I couldn’t fucking walk dude. I was wheezing after 5 minutes of walking. I aint even talking about skipping or trotting bitch…just strolling! ???? On top of that I didn’t have energy to do anything. I just wanted to sit and eat all day bcuz food comforted & helped me cope with being morbidly obese. Funny ey? the thing that comforted me was also the thing that was killing me. I couldn't go anywhere becuz I couldn’t FIT anywhere! Resturaunts were the worst. I was always so scared about whether or not I would fit in the seats or booths. Airplanes were out of the question because the belts wouldn’t buckle. Amusement parks definitely NOT because I couldn’t fit into the rides. I had to lie to everyone and say I was scared of heights. I havent been on a rollercoasters in over 18 years… its definitely on my to-do list! I felt disgusting because I was always sweaty & smelly. I had to shower 2 times a day because I would smell so quickly. Ugh.. Just ughhh And then there was the high cholesterol, borderline diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, liver and gallbladder problems, sever sciatica from all the fat I was carrying and pressure I was putting on my back, etc etc… So here's what I have to tell yall: FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT. IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW YOU DO IT. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, YOUR HEAD HIGH, & HANDLE YOUR SHIT. YOU DON’T NEED TO RESPOND OR EXPLAIN YOURSELF TO ANYONE. LET YOUR RESULTS DO THE TALKING. ✌???? Thank you for being with me on my journey and helping me push through ????Now that I’ve almost reached my goal I’m going to delete my instagram account. ???? I’m totally kidding, don’t have a heartattack ???? tell me I'm fabulous! Love yaaaaa bitchz ????

A photo posted by It's Maddy Bitchz ???????? (@eff_being_fat) on


Aight hi hoez ???? happy Saturday! Whos drunk raise ur hand ???????? dont lie youre all fucked up and eating burgers like the cute little chubsters you are ???????????????? dude no matter how many times I look at this fat pic I'll never get over how Shreky I look ???? I could barely turn my head because my face and neck were so fat ???? i was like a big marshmallow ???? I feel so weird when I look at my before pics because I feel ashamed that I didnt care enough for myself to do something about my health sooner. Does that make sense? Like obesity is definitely a mental issue. Lots of baggage and shit happening under all that fat. But I was so intent on making myself believe that nothing was wrong and that I was okay and happy, when in reality I was unhealthy, depressed, angry, and jealous of everyone. I was angry at myself for not having the strength to take action. I was angry at my family because I blamed them for letting me get this fat and fucking me up mentally and making me become addicted to food. I was angry at society because I felt they should cater more to my fatness and stop judging me. I was ANGRY about everything. ???? Finally I fucking had enough of that shitty life and turned my anger into action instead of just sitting around being a fat bitter bitch. And, well, yall know what happened after that... I became a sexy mothafucka ???? Aight ima go eat and then study a little ???????? everyones probably getting piss drunk, so dont forget to have a shot on my behalf and send me a picture of it on snapchat (effbeingfat) ???? love youz! ???????????? #weightloss #health #eatclean #28rooz #fashion #fitgirlsguide #vsg #plussize #weightwatchers #fitgirl #cooking #diet #mealprep #food #healthy #ootd #contour #fitgirlphotochallenge #fat2fit #selfie #rejim #fitgirlphotochallenge #beforeandafter #foodstagram #vsgcommunity #healthymeal #gains #transformation #plussizefashion

A photo posted by It's Maddy Bitchz ???????? (@eff_being_fat) on

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