Comentariul zilei la PRO WINNERS CUP 2013
Competitia de Streetball PRO WINNERS CUP 2013 aduna tot mai multi tineri dornici sa faca miscare si sa-si dovedeasca suprematia. Spectacolul organizat de Cosmote si PROTV este asteptat de amatorii de senzational.
Sportivii dornici sa intre in competitia PRO WINNERS CUP 2013 isi pot exprima parerea vizavi de evenimentu atat pe, cat si pe contul de Facebook PRO TV Cluj.
Vestea ca Aleksandr Shalygin, de doua ori campion european la SlamDunk, vine la PRO WINNERS CUP 2013 a depasit granitele tarii.
„Hello, I saw Shalygin, in Sankt Petesburg. It is an amaizing guy. Nobody in the world can do what he is capable to doing. I'm sorry that is now impossible to came and see him in CLUJ-ROMANIA. Congratulations PRO TV to bring this man!”, a scris Igor Petrenko pe site-ul