Transformarea surprinzatoare a unui cersetor in 30 de zile. Gestul impresionant prin care a fost ajutat sa o ia de la capat
Este posibil sa-ti schimbi viata si sa o iei de la zero in doar 30 de zile? Un tanar american demonstreaza ca se poate.
Jes B Frank, fondatorul unui grup de ajutor umanitar, si-a facut un tel din a-i schimba viata lui Orlando Collazo, un cersetor care traia pe strazi.
"Am pornit intr-o misiune pentru a vedea daca pot schimba viata cuiva in doar 30 de zile. L-am intalnit pe Orlando, care parea ca vrea sa schimbe ceva, dar pur si simplu nu stia de unde sa inceapa. Etica lui de munca si atentia sa la detaliu sunt uimitoare. Insa parea ca norocul l-a ocolit in ultimii ani. Am facut progrese in fiecare zi. Ne-am lovit si de cateva obstacole cand am incercat sa ii facem rost de acte. Acum are toate documentele necesare pentru a aplica la joburi, are deschis un cont la banca si o locuinta", a scris Jes Frank pe pagina sa de Facebook.
Clipul care prezinta transformarile prin care a trecut Orlando a fost redistribuit de peste 100.000 de oameni si a strans aproape 4.5 milioane de vizualizari.
BKIND - 027 Orlando's 30 Day ChallengeI set out on a mission to see if I could turn someone's life around in just 30 days. I came across Orlando who seemed like he wanted to change, but just didn't have the tools to do so. His work ethic and attention to detail is amazing. He just seemed to be down on his luck at the time. We started to change his ways day by day. Progress was made each and everyday. We defiantly came across a few road blocks when it came to acquiring his paperwork, but kept on trucking through. He now has all of the documents needed to apply for jobs, open a bank account, rent a room, you name it. This is a video of his 30 day challenge to turn his life around."Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime""Keep your coins, he wants CHANGE"I want to send a huge shout out to everyone who was involved in making this happen. Your acts of kindness will not go unnoticed. The smallest gesture goes along way and I say it all the time; " Helping someone will not necessarily change the world, but it could change the world for that one person."#bkind #30daychallenge #inspire #workflow #spreadkindness #positivevibes #laborready #walmart #theellendegeneresshow #theellenshow #ellendegeneres
Posted by Jes B Frank on Monday, 31 August 2015