Adolescenta ironizata de tot liceul din cauza acneei este acum in finala unui concurs de frumusetei. Cum arata. GALERIE FOTO


O tanara care a ajuns acum in finala unui concurs de frumusete era, pana de curand, "ratusca cea urata", fiind tinta unor comentarii rautacioase, greu de reprodus in scris.

Rachel Crawley, 22 de ani, din Marea Britanie, a inceput sa sufere de acnee la 16 ani. Problema ei a devenit grava in scurt timp, iar colegii adolescenti au inceput sa faca remarci foarte urate, care o faceau sa se simta foarte rau, relateaza Daily Mirror.

Pentru ca nu putea sa indure umilinta, Rachel s-a retras foarte mult. Nu a mai iesit cu prietenii si a renuntat la orice activitate in afara casei, limitandu-se doar la mersul la scoala.

Dupa cativa ani, satula de izolare, tanara a decis sa-si infrunte problema. Astfel, si-a facut un cont de Instagram pe care posteaza constant fotografii cu chipul ei, apoi pe retelele de socializarespune ce face pentru a scapa de semnele urate.

In momentul de fata, tanara a scapat de acnee, insa i-a ramas cicatrici foarte urate. In ciuda acestor semne, Rachel s-a inscris la un concurs de frumusete ajungand in finala lui

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remedii naturale
Cele mai neobisnuite remedii naturale pentru cele mai comune afectiuni. Cum sa tratezi acneea, vanataile si raul de masina



????My progress since starting this page???? no Medication ✖️ High fat vegan plant based diet (nothing processed) Real whole foods, natural minimal skin care routine ✔️ People are happy to take strong medication that can lead to bad side effects in are bodies but aren't willing to change there diet which is safe and better for our health. Remember that everyone has there struggles in life. Most of us choose not share them. Most people with acne don't share it because there ashamed but why should we it's only a stage in our life it won't last forever and it certainly doesn't make us any less of a person. Clear skin or acne you are the same person. I get asked how can I be confident when my skin looks like this? The reason I decided to accept myself for how I looked is because for years I suffered with acne and for years I let my mental health take over, ruin relationships, stop me going out ect all because I was insecure and worried about other people's opinions. Because let's be honest acne isn't nice to look at. I knew I couldn't carry on being this hard on myself to the point I would cry and have a lot of built up stress causing headaches. I thought about the days when I used to have no worries when I was younger and here's what I came up with- I wasn't living life trying to impress anyone I wore no makeup so never felt less beautiful I didn't spend my time trying to make myself look perfect I didn't sit at home comparing myself to others on Instagram It's the world we live in today that makes us think like this. I don't want young girls feeling the same way I did. I don't want them to think they have to look a certain way to be accepted or beautiful. They need more role models embracing there real natural selfs because that is real life. I know how hard it can be but please please practice self love and believe in yourself this alone will make you feel better ????????✨ ------------------------------------------------

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on


When you throw it back to days you had a clear skin and felt beautiful. When you question why and where it went wrong? It comes out of no where and you would do anything to get your clear skin back. You cry, stress and worry about your skin. You can't go out in public. You can't look at people in the eye. You hide your face away. Well please don't worry it won't last forever and you having acne should not take away your happiness. You deserve to be happy whether you have acne or not. Don't let your skin stop you from doing what you want to do. I know how hard it can be but I want to help other people through it. I have received messages from you guys that have touched my heart ❤️ Some of you have even been inspired to go out with no make up on which is amazing!! Next time take a photo and tag me I would love to see them! ???? We shouldn't be looked at any differently to wearing makeup than not wearing makeup. Most make up contain chemicals that are harmful and we are putting them onto our skin. So many brands test on animals ???? Just for us to look better and it's not right. It's not necessary! Make sure you do your research as even cruelty free brands still have parent companies that test on animals! I have got rid of all my makeup for this reason! I will be trying some of the organic brands soon with natural ingredients so I'll let you know how those products go. If you know of any please let me know ???????? ????❤️ ------------------------------------------------ #vegan #crueltyfree #crueltyfreemakeup #crueltyfreebeauty #crueltyfreecosmetics #organicskincare #organicbeauty #naturalmakeup #veganbeauty #blogger #acne #acnetreatment #nontoxic #nochemicals #stopanimalcruelty #animalcruelty #selflove #journey #soul #spiritual #gypsy #hippie #plantbased #rawvegan #wellness #vegancommunity

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on


I remember being at my lowest point. When I didn't want to leave the house. See my family or friends. Even though I knew these people loved me I felt ashamed of what I looked like ???? I decided enough was enough and the more I think negatively and be horrible to myself the worse I was getting and feeling. The whole anxiety and stressing over it adds to it making it worse! I couldn't go on the way I was going I was miserable and I don't want other people to feel the same way that I did. It upsets me that we live in a world where people feel this low about themselves ???? It doesn't define who you are as a person so please never give up on yourself! Be a strong warrior who is not going to let this beat you. Turn those negatives into positives. It will get better ????????✨ I am glad I've experienced chronic illness. I am glad I've experienced acne. It's helped me find my passion for health, wellness and fitness. It's helped me be strong, grow and gain confidence as a person all of which I had none of before. It's helped me to want to help and inspire others. I believe it can help you all too. ???? ----------------------------------------- #acne #acnetreatment #acnejourney #chronicillness #plantbased #raw #organic #health #selflove #vegan #veganism #anxiety #depression #recovery #warrior #journey #strong #wellness #mind #body #soul #girl #inspiration #chakra #crueltyfree #nontoxic #fitness #lifestyle #beautiful #love

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on


**SKIN UPDATE** The photo on the left is what my skin looks like now and as you can see the redness has gone down a lot! Thank god. Also I don't have any active spots at the moment they are either healing or a deep mark, hole, scar in my skin! Since going vegan my skin freaked out and even though I did suffer with spots before it was no where near as bad as this! I reassessed my diet and what had changed because I always eat really healthy and like to take care of my body and no one understood why I was eating so healthy for all these years but still breaking out! ???????? Carbs/ sugar is my answer! Even brown rice, free from whole grain oats, fruit all which is good for you. They still are good for you so please continue to eat these foods if you don't experience any problems! Only for about 3 days I have stopped eating these foods and upped my fat intake (healthy fats) and guess what? No new breakouts! Once my skin has cleared up I may experiment with bringing them into my diet for now I'm going to continue High fat low carb ???? I will post a new photo in a few weeks time to show you whether it has been working or not. My current source for carbs is lots of veggies! I have also included some supplements, teas, apple cider vinegar and have a morning/ night skin care routine. Again I'm not saying this will work for you I am just sharing what is working for me. Everybody is different! Listen to your body if something's not right with what your doing now look to see how you can change it. Curing acne will not happen over night so the main thing is not to stress or worry about it. Remember you are beautiful with or without acne. ????✨???????? ???? ---------------------------------------------------------- #acne #acnetreatment #girl #beforeandafter #progress #scars #beautiful #vegan #plantbased #highfat #happy #youarenotalone #youarebeautiful #blog #journey #spiritual #soul #acceptance #health #skinfood #healing #selflove #recovery #mindfulness #enlightenment #detox #chakra #positive #love #natural

A post shared by Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) on

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