Si-a fotografiat prietena in timp ce dormea si a postat imaginea pe internet. Detaliul pe care putina lume l-a observat
Todd Herres, un barbat de 34 de ani, si-a fotografiat iubita in timp ce dormea si a postat imaginea pe Imgur. Mesajul sau insa a devenit rapid viral.
"Prietena mea, in varsta de 38 de ani, tocmai a inceput al doilea trimestru de facultate. A crescut doi copii, in varsta de 15 si 10, de una singura, a enervat toti parintii si a fost victima a doua cazuri de violenta domestica.
Asa am gasit-o in seara asta. Sunt atat de mandru de femeia asta incat as putea sa explodez de fericire. Am mers astazi sa ne cautam inele pentru nunta si cred ca sunt gata sa iau cea mai buna decizie din viata mea."
Cum era de asteptat, mesajul barbatului a devenit popular pe reteaua de socializare.
My 38 year old girlfriend just started her second quarter of college. She's raised two kids, 15 and 10, on her own, has piss all parents and was the victim in not one but two domestic violence cases. This is how I found her tonight. I'm so proud of this woman I could burst. We went wedding ring shopping earlier today and I think I'm ready to make the best decision of my life.FP Edit: Wow! I had no idea Imgur could be so amazing despite the forgotten cat tax! Thanks for all the kind words of support you guys! This woman profoundly inspires me and it sounds like she has many of you. Also, I'm gonna take all of y'alls advice and marry the shit out of her. Send me all your love stories.FP Edit 2: some dog tax <a class="imgur-image" data-hash="fd5p67A" href="//"></a>FP Edit 3: CREEP LOVE GOES VIRAL(I'm most proud of the article from Steven Segal's website, WarriorZen. Steven, call me)<a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a><a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a>/<a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a>/<a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a><a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a>