A murit DJ Avicii. Reacții din lumea muzicii. ”Vești devastatoare”
DJ-ul suedez Avicii, pe numele său real Tim Bergling, a murit vineri, la vârsta de 28 de ani, potrivit unui anunţ făcut de agentul lui, scrie The Hollywood Reporter.
El a fost găsit mort în Muscat, Oman, în după-amiaza zilei de vineri.
Oamenii din lumea muzicii au reacționat imediat pe rețelele de socializare cu mesaje de condoleanțe.
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”Vești devastatoare despre Avicii, un suflet frumos, pasionat și extrem de talentat, cu atât de multe de făcut. Inima mea este alături de familia sa. Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze, Tim”, a scris Calvin Harris pe contul său de Twitter.
Devastating news about Avicii, a beautiful soul, passionate and extremely talented with so much more to do. My heart goes out to his family. God bless you Tim x
— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) 20 April 2018
my sincerest and most heartfelt condolences to the friends, fans and families of @Avicii :( Banter aside, nobody can deny what he has accomplished and done for modern dance music and im very proud of him.
— Goat lord (@deadmau5) 20 April 2018
Wow, I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to the man who really opened my eyes as to what my productions could one day sound like. @Avicii was a genius and a music innovator, and I can not believe he is no longer with us. RIP to the very best.
— Charlie Puth (@charlieputh) 20 April 2018
Oh my god truly devastated for Avicii very very sad news way to young ... what a talent he was. rest in peace x
— Liam (@LiamPayne) 20 April 2018
RIP Tim. You were a brilliant composer and a gentle spirit. Fond memories of creating music w @Avicii and @nilerodgers- https://t.co/AfCVbXlhQh
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) 20 April 2018
What an extremely sad news! RIP Avicii!!
— Firebeatz (@Firebeatz) 20 April 2018
Such sad news to hear about Avicii passing. Too young and way too soon. My condolences go out to his family, friends and fans x
— DUA LIPA (@DUALIPA) 20 April 2018