"Lumea a pierdut o parte de magie". Mesajele emotionante ale vedetelor dupa disparitia subita a lui PRINCE

Vestea ca legendarul cantaret Prince a incetat din viata joi, la resedinta sa din Paisley Park, Minesotta, a socat si intristat o lume intreaga.
La doar cateva minute dupa ce reprezentantul artistului a confirmat decesul, zeci de vedete au deplans pe retelele de socializare disparitia timpurie a cantaretului.
A purple nebula, in honor of Prince, who passed away today. https://t.co/7buFWWExMw pic.twitter.com/ONQDwSQwVa
— NASA (@NASA) April 21, 2016
"'A strong spirit transcends rules,' Prince once said—and nobody's spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative." —President Obama
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 21, 2016
Prince was a revolutionary artist, a great musician, composer, a wonderful lyricist, a startling guitar player... 2/4
— Mick Jagger (@MickJagger) April 21, 2016
My heart aches at the loss of Prince. He has joined his angels of which he was one. RIP.
— Goldie Hawn (@goldiehawn) April 21, 2016
We've just lost an incredible talent! So sorry to hear about #Prince we will always love your music forever and ever! #RIPPrince
— La Toya Jackson (@latoyajackson) April 21, 2016
PRINCE . You legend. Rest In Peace
— lily (@lilyallen) April 21, 2016
I'm Crushed!! UK news reporting Prince Is Dead?! For Real?! Massive Loss for us all! What a Genius! Speechless.
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) April 21, 2016
Citeste aici detalii despre moartea starului international
#RIP our dearly beloved #Prince. Tears and love on our tour bus. @CHICorg @nilerodgers I'll never forget my brother. We've had #good times
— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) April 21, 2016
And just like that...the world lost a lot of magic ✨ Rest in peace Prince! Thanks for giving us so much...
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) April 21, 2016
Now Prince? No no no.. RIP You genius x
— Robbie Williams (@robbiewilliams) April 21, 2016
Prince was brilliant and larger than life. What a sad day.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 21, 2016
I Miss My Brother. Prince Was A Funny Cat. Great Sense Of Humor. https://t.co/67umQghtbi
— Spike Lee (@SpikeLee) April 21, 2016
WHAT!!???? PRINCE!!!????? IS THIS A DREAM!????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We just lost a true artistic PIONEER. Heart broken
— Chris Daughtry (@CHRIS_Daughtry) April 21, 2016
Unbelievable just heard about PRINCE. Strength and light to his family/loved ones. One of my favs and a true pioneering artist. RIP brotha.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) April 21, 2016
RIP Prince
RIP Prince, thank you for inspiring so many of us in so many ways. #prince
— James Arthur (@JamesArthur23) April 21, 2016
Vezi aici cariera lui Prince in imagini
Oh my god I can’t believe that Prince has died…he was a great great talent…RIP
— Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) April 21, 2016
Omg..... RIP Prince....