Barbatul care isi petrece singura zi libera din saptamana pe strazi, tunzand persoane fara adapost. Cum a ajuns sa faca asta


Un tanar de 26 de ani din Melbourne, poreclit "Frizerul Strazilor", isi petrece singura zi libera din saptamana ferchezuind persoanele fara adapost

Nasir Sobhani, care apare intr-un documentar, a fost dependent de droguri, iar acum spune ca este vindecat si sanatos, si vrea sa isi arate recunostinta. Tanarul lucreaza sase zile pe saptamana la o frizerie, iar in ziua libera el merge pe strazi si ii tunde si barbiereste pe cei fara adapost, relateaza Imaginile inainte si dupa le posteaza pe contul de Instagram, unde primeste sute de likeuri.

"Imi amintesc zilele cand ma uram si nu puteam sa ma uit in oglinda fara sa plang. Asta se intampla si cu multi dintre clientii mei de pe strada. Sunt rusinati de ceea ce au ajuns", spune Nasir.


This is Chris. He was 21 years old when I met him and his birthday was the following day. He has no family which he can contact or be with - he has basically been entirely alone for the past 11 years. He has been on the streets and homeless since he was 10. Yeah, I know, insane but a sad reality. I asked him how that's possible and his reason gave me chills. "I hated having to constantly wear extra layers and warm clothing at school when it was hot" he said quietly. I asked him what he meant by that and he said that it was to cover up the bruises from getting hit by his dads. "Dads?!" I said, and he replied "Ya, both by my real dad and also my step-dad". He elaborated and told me that he was mostly with his mom and step-dad - who was very abusive and beat him. Then his mom sent him to live with his 'real dad' and the abuse kept coming. There was no escape and he had more than he could take, so he took sanctuary to the streets. At the age of 11 he found himself smoking ice and eventually got into heroin too. When I met him he was very timid and shy and so the few people I was with had left, allowing for a more intimate session which allowed him to open up and be more comfortable. However, I think it's best that I keep what he said between us for some things are just better to stay at the shop - which are the streets to me. He had been wearing a beanie for ages which made his hair on the WHOLE back of his head into one deadlock. I had to cut away using scissors slowly and carefully. I couldn't give him any style due to the fact that his hair was so dead. We shaved his head, then his face. It was difficult to shave his neck (under his chin) due to the open sores he had from the meth use but he insisted he wanted to clean up - so I did the best I could. We finished off with a thorough dry shampoo and aftershave treatment. He looked at the mirror and was the happiest I had seen him since I had met him - which warmed my heart. He never got the chance to properly experience a childhood, let alone his youth. Hopefully in his 22nd year and beyond he'll be able to start experiencing more positivity, love and happiness in his life. Happy birthday Chris

A photo posted by Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber) on

El marturiseste ca ideea i-a venit in urma cu trei ani, cand era ucenic la o frizerie. A inceput sa vorbeasca cu un barbat care curata geamurile localului. El renuntase la heroina in urma cu o luna si voia o noua frizura pentru a sarbatori. Nasir spune ca transformarea si reactia mamei barbatului, care a izbucnit in lacrimi, l-au inspirat.


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This is Carlos. A 43 year old man who has been in and out of jail for the last 20 years. He told me that since his latest release he has been determined to become a better father to his two children (aged 16 and 18) who he hasn't spent much time with. He developed a serious heroin habit in jail and calls the streets 'home'. Carlos told me he has tried quitting 'hammer' but can't shake the habit no matter how hard he tries. In fact, he was caught with a 2 gram rock of heroin recently and when I met him, he said his court date was on the next day. So when he asked me for a cut, although I couldn't do it because it was already dark, after hearing him out about how he wanted to look presentable in front of the judge, I couldn't say no to his request - which was really short on the sides and back and blend it to the top. So my assistant for the day, the lovely @manfrino, used the flashlight from the phone so I could see what I was doing plus we were sitting under a street lamp for extra light. That's why the 'after photo' for both him and Hasan (previous story) were taken in areas which had better light to show their wonderful faces. What really shook me was when he told me that the last time he cried was when he got out of jail and spent time his older son, 17 at the time. He was talking with him about his life and his son told him "you know dad, you were only ever around for three of my birthdays" - which made Carlos break down and cry. The son held Carlos as he wept and said "it's ok dad, we all make mistakes". His son inspired me to be more empathetic and forgiving to those around me, and I hope he does the same for you. #cleancutcleanstart #thestreetsbarber

A photo posted by Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber) on


This is Mark. He's 28 years old. He hasn't had contact with his family for nearly a decade. I've known of Mark for a while now and would show him love everytime I bumped into him, and he would reciprocate with so much joy. You could tell he just wanted someone to talk to. Today when I saw him on the street, I asked if he'd be interested in a cut. His eyes lit up as he said "Ya man, I haven't had a chance to get groomed in 8 or 9 months." He told me he'd been homeless for 3 years. He said it wasn't drugs which led him to the streets - that although he uses both heroin and meth occasionally, he does so more for social reasons, so he can 'fit in' and feel like he has friends. He got kicked out of his accommodation 3 years ago and hasn't been able to land a proper job or home since. He suffers from mental illness too - "I'm really depressed and hear voices in my head, Nas" - he told me, and that's another reason why he's on the streets. He has no support system and doesn't really have friends. He is lonely and just wants people to show him love and accept him. He said he often thinks about reconnecting with his family, especially during Christmas and New Years when he's alone. Listening to his story I just felt sick to my stomach at how neglected he felt. He has no support system, no friends and no family to support him. He actually didn't even have proper clothes on! His jeans were ripped and falling off his waist. He had no underwear on, and his shirt was also ripped and dirty. I had to go the full 9 yards on the brother! I went and bought him a new outfit and really took my time grooming him - with a cut, beard trim, dry shampoo, aftershave, and style. Looking at him afterwards I was quite taken aback myself and told him "Mark, you look so good bro" and he responded with "I know, and I feel GREAT!". That response made me so happy and I just took his hand and said "I hope you realize you've made a friend for life now.. see you around soon." I love this guy - his sincerity and open heart. Thanks for opening my eyes, Mark. Bless. #cleancutcleanstart #thestreetsbarber #thestreetsbarberproject

A photo posted by Nasir Sobhani (@thestreetsbarber) on

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